Danielle Adair
Jonathan Cowan
Rachel DuVall
Michelle Grabner
Meghann McCrory
Ariane Vielmetter
on view March 5th - April 2nd
Eastside International
602 Moulton Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90031
Craft techniques and high modernism have often been positioned as opposing aesthetic trajectories, with their attendant philosophical and gender-based narratives and critiques occupying well-trodden territory. Rather than re-affirming this binary, the artists in this exhibition take both legacies – high modernist abstract painting and “women’s work” textile craft – as equal footings from which to construct new work. This results in existentially strange objects: doilies at the scale of heroic painting, or as animated drawings; traditional textile weavings as minimalist geometry and as the culmination of a photographic process; drawings, paintings and bronze sculpture disguised as fabric swatches and embroidered canvases disguised as paintings. Through disrupting aesthetic and material expectations, the works in this exhibition raise issues of labor, process and gender, while presenting visual surfaces that defy easy apprehension.
Rachel DuVall, Untitled, 2016, linen, silk, natural dyes , 47.5 x 55.5 x 2.5 inches